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Google's Newest Algorithm Update: Hummingbird

HummingbirdAttention folks: Google has decided to celebrate their 15th birthday with a new update to their search ranking algorithm - Hummingbird. While this update has actually been in effect for a month, it was officially announced by Google yesterday.

This update is just like previous updates to their search algorithm such as Panda and Penguin, in that the update focuses on providing searchers with quicker, faster (hence, the name Hummingbird), and more accurate search results.

One particular change that seems to be unique to Hummingbird is that Hummingbird aims to provide better search results surrounding "conversational" queries. For example, questions such as "Where is the closest pizza delivery place" should return results that more accurately answer our human questions.

Read more about Google's new search algorithm update Hummingbird and how it can affect you at Search Engine Land here.

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Matt Walde
Post by Matt Walde
September 27, 2013

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